Thursday, July 7, 2011

hollywoodwatergate letter

this attorney handled my life estate and when i asked for access instead of imposed homelessness he rolled over......
this letter did'nt ask for appointment of polygraph as i asked but maybe he knows best and this is the letter copy sent july 5 2011.
(781) 598-6766-{FAX}781-599-1658
e-ma iI:sa
July 5, 2011
Ms Noreen Gleason
Assistant Special Agent
c/o FB!-Suite 600
1 Center Plaza
Boston MA02108
RE: Mr. Lesley H. Nichols
Dear Agent Gleason:
I represent Mr. Lesley H. Nichols.
Mr. Nicholstells me that he has had communication and involvement with your offices as it concerns
matters of "massive" plagiarism-related to original music composition-and illegalwiretapping in his prior
Iam not requesting or demanding any matter of a confidential nature-but if in fact there is any ongoing
investigation of or in behalf of Mr. Nichols-Iwould appreciate being furnished with any information that
can be released.
At this point Ionly know what Mr. Nicholshas told me-and frankly Ido not know if there is in fact any
investigations -ongoing or planned-and Iam writing to you because Mr. Nicholshas asked me on several
occasions to do so.
If you require a written Authorization from Mr. Nichols-please so advise me-and I will prepare such a
document for signature by Mr. Nichols.
;2 erv, UIYYOUrs'lj pi
. .'./u4J?JkJ~ , seph M.Sano
yc. Mr. LesleyH.Nichols V 160 Neptune Boulevard-Apt 707W
Lynn MA01905
to be continued: